Friday, March 27, 2009
Dear Starbucks Employee,
Dear Starbucks Employee,
Thank you for giving me the Iced Soy Latte in addition to the drink I ordered because it was a mistake. It made me feel better about supporting such a giant corporation just to feed my caffeine addiction.
I wish you well in all your future endeavors.
Posted by Lauren at 2:30 PM
- Dear Roommates,
- Dear Life,
- Dear New Space Age Microwave in Our Breakroom,
- Dear 2009 Jeep Unlimited,
- Dear Sabra Hummus,
- Dear Fifty Foot Zach Efron,
- Dear The Big Bang Theory,
- Dear Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone from Whole Foods,
- Dear Hair,
- Dear Alcohol,
- Dear Boss,
- Dear Heels,
- Dear Stephen Colbert Tote Bag,
- Dear Brazilian Wax,
- Dear Raw Food Diet,
- Dear Pantyhose,
- Dear Winter,
- Dear Red Bull,
- Dear Computer Battery,
- Dear Missing Photograph,
- Dear Nice Lady at the Bodega Who Opened My Plastic...
- Dear Flatiron Building,
- Dear (g)chat,
- Dear Starbucks Employee,
- Dear Sign Here Tabs,
- Dear Ricky Gervais Podcast,
- Dear Totes Micro Umbrella,
- Dear New Neighbor,
- Dear Nice Lady at the Bodega Where I Get A Bagel E...
- Dear E! True Hollywood Story
- Dear Picture Collage of Wentworth Miller from TV's...
- Dear Boss,
- Dear Rubber Band Ball,
- Dear Peanut M&Ms,
this photo = win
Also, why were you ordering anything OTHER than an iced soy latte? Though I did have banana-chocolate Vivanno yesterday and am a bit ashamed to say that it was delicious.
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