Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dear Vintage Warehouse One Block From My Apartment,

[photo courtesy technology & the work bathroom]

Dear Vintage Warehouse One Block From My Apartment,

Every week, I tell myself I'm never going back to you. You're just too tempting, and if I go inside, it's almost certain I'll buy something I don't really need. "But where else will you find a sequined jumpsuit?" I'll ask myself. "How can you survive without a square dance dress?" And when almost everything is $10, you make it so easy to go crazy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying our relationship has become a little less like a friendship and a little more like an addiction. I would say we should take a break, but let's be honest. I can never get enough of you.

At least you're not heroin,

note: this is a picture of me, so there's really no reason to black-bar the eyes...I just find it amusing.


John Das Binky said...

Bestest dress ever.

Laurie Stark said...

I'm obsessed. With you, the dress, the paper towel dispenser...

I've said too much.